I. 前言:學測英文考什麼?
II. 重點:英文單字怎麼背?
例句:The steak can optionally come with baked potato or salad.
原句英文可以改寫成:You can choose from baked potato and salad to come with the steak.
例句:I need an English private tutor, favorably a male native speaker.
此句中的favorably解釋成「最好是」,它是從I favor spicy foods.這句中的動詞favor變化而來。favor當作動詞,有「青睞;偏好」之意,幾乎等於prefer。難怪形容詞favorite譯為「最喜愛的」。不只如此,試著翻譯下列這句英文。
例句:The restaurant is favorably located by a subway station.
此處的favorably意思是「有利地」。如果你只是背起來這個字如何拼寫還有怎麼發音,再把它的中文記起來,那麼你還是不懂這個字。選擇題出現The shopping mall is _____ located.,你腦還裡面不可能想到答案是favorably。再來看這個句子。
例句:The teacher usually speaks favorably of you.
III. 搭配詞範例
單字:issue 議題 (n.);發佈/發行/簽發 (vt.)
(1) issue a license 核發執照
(2) issue a visa 簽發簽證
(3) issue a typhoon warning 發佈颱風警報
(4) issue a currency 發行貨幣
(5) issue a statement 發表聲明
單字:campaign 行動/活動/運動 (n.)
(1) an anti-drug campaign 反毒運動
(2) a social campaign 社會運動
(3) a election campaign 競選活動
(4) a promotion campaign 促銷活動
(5) a military campaign 軍事行動
111年 學測 文意字彙
1. When Jeffery doesn't feel like cooking, he often orders pizza online and has it _____ to his house.
(A) advanced (B) delivered (C) offered (D) stretched
1. feel like Ving 想要做… (v.片語)
2. order O 點餐… (vt.)
3. online 在網路上 (adv.)
4. have O PP 找人把受詞… (v.片語)
(A) advance 進步 (vi.)
(B) deliver 遞送 (vt.)
(C) offer 提供 (vt.)
(D) stretch 延伸 (vi./vt.)
- Nowadays, technology is advancing at an amazing pace. 如今,科技正在以令人驚嘆的速度進步。
- I ordered a book online and had it delivered to my office. 我在線上訂購一本書,然後讓人把它遞送到我辦公室。
- The company offered me a decent job. = The company offered a decent job to me. 這公司提供一份好工作給我。
- The railroad stretches for three thousand miles. 這條鐵路綿延三千英里。
- He stretched his hands to me. 他向我伸出他的雙手。
2. Jane is the best _____ I have ever had. I cannot imagine running my office without her help.
(A) assistant (B) influence (C) contribution (D) politician
1. imagine Ving 想像去做… (v.片語)
2. run O 經營/營運… (vt.)
3. without O 沒有… (prep. + O)
(A) assistant 助理 (n.)
(B) influence 影響 (n.)
(C) contribution 貢獻/捐贈 (n.)
(D) politician 政治人物 (n.)
- Nancy works as an assistant of our boss. 南西擔任我們老闆的助理。
- Commercials have great influence on our shopping behavior. 電視廣告對我們的購物行為有很大的影響。
- The young lady is eager to make contribution to her community. 這小姐渴望對她的社區做出貢獻。
- The charity made good use of all the contributions. 這慈善機構善用所有的這些捐贈/捐款。
- More and more people do not trust politicians. 越來越多人不信任政治人物。
3. The temple celebrated Mazu Festival by hosting ten days of lion dances, Taiwanese operas, and traditional hand _____ shows.
(A) chat (B) quiz (C) puppet (D) variety
1. temple 廟宇 (n.)
2. celebrate O 慶祝… (vt.)
3. Mazu 媽祖 (n.)
4. festival 節慶/慶典 (n.)
5. by Ving 用…方法 (prep. + O)
6. hold O 舉辦… (vt.)
7. opera 歌劇 (n.)
8. traditional 傳統的 (a.)
9. show 演出 (n.)
(A) chat 聊天 (n./vi.)
(B) quiz 小考 (n.)
(C) puppet 戲偶 (n.)
(D) variety 多樣化 (n.)
- Don't spend too much time on online chat. 別花太多時間在網路聊天這件事情上。
- This math teacher gives us a quiz on a daily basis. 這位數學每天都會給我們小考。
- The old man is good at creating delicate puppets. 這老人擅長創作精緻的戲偶。
- We offer a wide variety of products to choose from. 我們供應各式各樣的產品可供選擇。
4. The new vaccine was banned by the Food and Drug Administration due to its _____ fatal side effects.
(A) potentially (B) delicately (C) ambiguously (D) optionally
1. vaccine 疫苗 (n.)
2. ban O 禁用… (vt.)
3. administration 行政單位 (n.)
4. due to O 因為… (prep. + O)
5. fatal 致命的 (a.)
6. side effect 副作用 (n.片語)
(A) potentially 可能 (adv.)
(B) delicately 精緻地 (adv.)
(C) ambiguoulsy 模稜兩可地 (adv.)
(D) optionally 選擇性地 (adv.)
- We had better avoid any potentially controversial tops. 我們最好避免任何可能有爭議性的主題。
- They decorated their new house delicately. 他們精緻地裝潢他們的新家。
- The questionaire was badly and ambiguously worded. 這份問卷措辭不當且含糊不清。
- You can optionally add chocolate or milk to your coffee. = You can choose chocolate or milk and add it to your coffee. 你可以選擇添加巧克力或牛奶到你的咖啡裡。
5. _____ the photos with dates and keywords help you sort them easily in your file.
(A) Tagging (B) Flocking (C) Rolling (D) Snapping
1. help O (to) VR 幫助受詞做… (v.片語)
2. sort O 把…分類 (vt.)
3. file 檔案 (n.)
(A) tag 加註標籤 (vt.)
(B) flock 蜂擁 (vi.)
(C) roll 滾動 (vt./vi.)
(D) snap 折斷 (vt.)
- Don't forget to tag the photo before uploading it. 上傳這照片前,別忘了替它加註標籤。
- Visitors flocked to that tourist attraction. 遊客蜂擁至那觀光勝地。
- Roll up your sleeves and donate blood. 捲起你的衣袖捐血吧。
- The ball rolled down that slope. 這顆球沿著那斜坡滾動而下。
- He snapped the tree branch with ease. 他輕易折斷這樹枝。
1.~5. Ans: B A C A A